


  International Circulation:  Thank you very much for joining International Circulation at TCT 2011.  Dr. Gao, how is PCI currently used in ....

[TCT2011]普拉格雷普通剂量与大剂量氯吡格雷比较研究的临床意义—Sigmund Silber 医生采访

  International Circulation: There were number of comparative studies focus on the double-dose of prasugrel and clopidogrel in this conference, what&r....

[TCT2011]旋磨术治疗冠状动脉钙化狭窄的有效性和安全性—Steven R. Bailey教授访谈

  Steven R. Bailey, M.D.   医学和放射学教授,介入心脏病学主任。美国心脏病学学会、美国心脏协会、美国导管和介入学会的会员。现任詹尼布里斯科特聘医学教授和心血管研究中心主任。   INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION: Dr Bailey could you....

[TCT2011]环孢素A对缺血性心肌的影响:Thomas Engstrom教授访谈

  International Circulation: Dr Engstrom, in recent years Cyclosporin A has emerged as a promising therapy to limit myocardial ischemic reperfusion ....

[TCT2011]左主干病变及非左主干病变中度狭窄动脉的评估:FFR还是IVUS——John McB. Hodgson教授访谈

  International Circulation:  Dr. Hodgson, how is the specificity and sensitivity of Fractional Flow Reserve compared to IVIS?   国际循环:冠脉血流储备与血管内....

[TCT2011]针对STEMI患者的西药应用策略:抗栓试验中几种抗小板药物的比较——Dean J. Kereiakes教授访谈

  International Circulation: Some experts believed that the expectation of ticagrelor was too optimistic, what’s your opinion?   国际循环:有些专家认为,目前....

[TCT2011]ACS患者或行PCI患者以循证医学证据为基础的药物治疗方案:Gregg W. Stone教授访谈

  Gregg W. Stone, MD, FACC, FSCAI   哥伦比亚大学医学中心/纽约长老会医院心血管病研究和教育署署长。Stone教授是世界顶尖介入心脏病学家之一,TAXUS IV药物洗脱支架临床试验的主要研究者。   International Circulation: It i....

[TCT2011]血管疾病诊断中的影像学技术选择:Lindsay S. Machan教授访谈

International Circulation: Multidetector CT scan (MDCT) has renovated the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). What are the basic principle....

[TCT2011]难治性心力衰竭的治疗选择:William T. Abraham教授访谈

  International Circulation: Given the vast array of devices currently available, which are you most excited about?   国际循环:现有的设备种类如此繁多,您对哪种设备最感兴趣呢? ....
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