
[ACC2011]David Parra 副教授谈顽固性高血压的治疗药物

作者:  DavidParra   日期:2011/3/29 16:07:18



    David Parra    美国范德比尔特儿童医院   

    <International Circulation>: What’s the prevalence of true resistant hypertension? What are the clinical characteristics of resistant hypertension?


    Dr Parra:The prevalence of true resistant hypertension hasn’t really been well defined. A lot of the time, it is because the measurements were office-based blood pressure measurements and the presence of a significant white-coat effect or pseudo-resistance was not measured. Some of the best data we have has just recently come out and will be published in Circulation and soon to be published in JACC in May but it is available early online as of a couple of days ago. It comes from the Spanish Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Registry in which from the patients in the registry they identified a prevalence of resistant hypertension of about 12%. They used the definition of requiring three blood pressure medications including a diuretic and they confirmed the prevalence with the use of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring sessions. Of note in that study, approximately 37% of patients who had been defined as resistant hypertension were found to have pseudo-resistance. When you look at the American Society of Hypertension Registry in the United States, the prevalence of resistant hypertension is about 30% in that registry but that registry is limited mainly to the south-east United States where we know we have a higher prevalence of hypertension and co-morbidities. Additionally, the protocols to define resistant hypertension aren’t the same between both registries. So I think you can say with some degree of confidence now looking at the data from the Spanish blood pressure registry, that the prevalence of true resistant hypertension is probably at least 12% and could range all the way up to 20 or 30% depending on the population that you are looking at. The key thing is that in patients who present with resistant hypertension, the prevalence of pseudo-resistance appears to range anywhere from about 25-30% up to 37% in that recent study.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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